We work with clients to create and implement sustainable programs in workplaces and communities. This requires a collaborative approach to ensure local people and employees are fully involved in the process. We aim to ensure transferal of skills and capacity building to ensure long-term viability.


  • Sexual harassment and family sexual violence workplace programs, including policies, procedures and support team training for numerous clients.
  • Research for an innovative high risk controls safety communications program, including development of all supporting communications and training materials for INPEX.
  • Developed the leadership and management training course for BHP Billiton Iron Ore in the areas of emotional intelligence, diversity and team-building.
  • Training program for community leaders to improve responses to intimate partner violence in Rakhine for the Danish Refugee Council and the International Rescue Committee.
  • Development and implementation of workplace women’s safety audit program for the Business Coalition for Women in Papua New Guinea.
  • Research and recommendations to guide programmatic work for various international non-government organisations (e.g., UNFPA, ILO and DRC).